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Physical Education & Athletics

“Playing sport has become very important today, since it can encourage young people to develop important values such as loyalty, perseverance, friendship, sharing and solidarity.” JPII

Mr. W. McCloskey
Coach/Athletic Director

Physical Education

PE Overview 2023-2024

Extracurricular Athletic Notices

All Running Practices Wednesdays at Templeton 3pm-4:15pm

Middle Distance Practice Schedule - May 2024Field Practice Schedule - May 2024

“Playing sport has become very important today, since it can encourage young people to develop important values such as loyalty, perseverance, friendship, sharing and solidarity.”

“Sport trains body and spirit for perseverance, effort, courage, balance, sacrifice, honesty, friendship and collaboration.”

Please refer to the individual coaches’ letters and calendars with specific team schedules of practices and games.


Athletics News Articles

AthleticsGr 7
December 29, 2023

Senior Girls Win Silver in CISVA Volleyball Finals

After a long hard battle, these returning champions placed 2nd in the CISVA finals to our very own zone rivals. The girls had an amazing season, with no losses in…
AthleticsGr 7Uncategorized
January 11, 2023

Senior Girls win silver in CISVA Volleyball Playoffs

November 30, 2022


Good morning, School is open today for parent teacher interviews. However, parents can use their discretion and notify your child's classroom teacher if it is not possible to attend. Preschool…
AthleticsOLS Videos
October 23, 2021

Cross Country Report