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Grade 5

Ms. R. Rossi


Mrs. M. Cirotto

Teacher Assistant

GRADE 5 Agenda:

  • Teacher introduction
    • Emergency fan-out list- update information (add new student)
    • Review of teacher expectations, student responsibilities, homework, uniform, discipline and communication:  phone the school, meet with the teacher
    • Reporting: Grades, levels of achievement (i.e. beginning, developing, proficient and extending)
    • Overview of subjects/themes/field trips for this year
    • Open questions and answers

Expectations of Students:

-to treat others with respect and consideration
-to demonstrate increasing independence and to be responsible for themselves
-to work diligently and quietly during independent seat work making productive use of class time
-to work cooperatively with others
-to maintain organized notebooks and duo tangs
-to read over and edit their written work
-to hand in all assignments on time or bring a note signed by a parent
-to take pride in their work and perform it to the best of their abilities


Open communication between parents and teachers is extremely important as we both work together for the benefit of your child. Please feel free to contact me by phone or schedule an appointment. We are working as a team: teacher, parent and child.

Medical Issues:

We have some members of our classroom who have allergies to nuts, nut product.


Students will be given homework on a daily basis (approximately 30 minutes per day). Homework includes work not completed in class, reading novels, studying for tests, reviewing notes and any projects or assignments. Assignments are recorded on the board and at the end of the day students are given time to record it into their agendas while I orally review each item.

Content in Each Subject Area:


  • Class Prayer and School Masses
  • We Worship God as Catholic Christians (Christian worship/Sacraments of Initiation)
  • We Celebrate the Eucharist (familiarity with the Mass)
  • We Celebrate God’s Healing Love (understanding God’s grace and reconciling love)
  • We Follow Special Ways to Holiness (Christians are called to holiness/vocations)
  • We Worship God by Living in Love (the last 5 commandments/respect for self and others)

Language Arts

Students are expected to know the following:


  • Forms, functions, and genres of text
  • Text features
  • Literary elements
  • Literary devices
  • Perspective/point of view

Strategies and processes

  • Reading strategies
  • Oral language strategies
  • Metacognitive strategies
  • Writing processes

Language features, structures, and conventions

  • Features of oral language
  • Paragraphing
  • Sentence structure and grammar
  • Conventions


Students are expected to know the following:

  • Number concepts to 1 000 000
  • Decimals to thousandths
  • Equivalent fractions
  • Whole-number, fraction, and decimal benchmarks
  • Addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 1 000 000
  • Multiplication and division to three digits, including division with remainders
  • Addition and subtraction of decimals to thousandths
  • Addition and subtraction facts to 20 (extending computational fluency)
  • Multiplication and division facts to 100 (emerging computational fluency)
  • Rules for increasing and decreasing patterns with words, numbers, symbols, and variables
  • One-step equations with variables
  • Area measurement of squares and rectangles
  • Relationships between area and perimeter
  • Duration, using measurement of time
  • Classification of prisms and pyramids
  • Single transformations
  • One-to-one correspondence and many-to-one correspondence, using double bar graphs
  • Probability experiments, single events or outcomes
  • Financial literacy — monetary calculations, including making change with amounts to 1000 dollars and developing simple financial plans


Students are expected to know the following:

Basic structures and functions of body systems:

  • digestive
  • musculo-skeletal
  • respiratory
  • circulatory

Solutions and solubility

Properties of simple machines and their force effects machines:

  • constructed
  • found in nature

Power – the rate at which energy is transferred

The rock cycle

Local types of earth materials

First Peoples concepts of interconnectedness in the environment

The nature of sustainable practices around BC’s resources

First Peoples knowledge of sustainable practices


Students are expected to know the following:

French alphabet

French phonemes

Gender and number

Common, high-frequency vocabulary and sentence structures for communicating meaning:

  • asking and responding to simple questions
  • expressing basic information about themselves and others
  • expressing likes, dislikes, and preferences
  • providing simple descriptions
  • describing common elements of cultural festivals and celebrations

Location of Francophone and Francophone Métis communities across Canada

A Francophone cultural festival or celebration in Canada

Social Studies

Students are expected to know the following:

  • The development and evolution of Canadian identity over time
  • The changing nature of Canadian immigration over time
  • Past discriminatory government policies and actions, such as the Head Tax, the Komagata Maru incident, residential schools, and internments
  • Human rights and responses to discrimination in Canadian society
  • Levels of government, their main functions, and sources of funding
  • Participation and representation in Canada’s system of government
  • Resources and economic development in different regions of Canada
  • First Peoples land ownership and use

Arts Education

Students are expected to know the following:

Health Education

Students are expected to know the following:

  • Proper technique for fundamental movement skills, including non-locomotor, locomotor, and manipulative skills
  • Movement concepts and strategies
  • Ways to monitor and adjust physical exertion levels
  • How to participate in different types of physical activities including individual and dual activities, rhythmic activities, and games
  • Differences between the health components of fitness
  • Training principles to enhance personal fitness levels, including the FITT principle
  • Benefits of physical activity and exercise
  • Food choices to support active lifestyles and overall health
  • Practices that promote health and well-being, including those that prevent communicable and non-communicable illnesses
  • Sources of health information and support services
  • Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of setting
  • Factors influencing the use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms
  • Physical, emotional, and social changes that occur during puberty

Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies

Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making.

My goal is to help your child develop a healthy and positive self-concept.  Every child is a unique gift from God, each possessing his/her own special talents.  I hope to instil in all of my students the values of responsibility and perseverance in all aspects of their lives.

Thank you in advance for your time, cooperation and support.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns throughout the year, please feel free to contact me.  I look forward to a positive and productive school year.