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How can we help?

Our Lady of Sorrows School

575 Slocan St. Vancouver BC V5K3X5
t: 604.253.2434
f: 604.253.1523

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

555 South Slocan St. Vancouver BC, V5K3X5
t: 604.254.0691
f: 604.254.0228


Contact us

There are always opportunities to volunteer and work for OLS – If you’re a passionate worker and think you have what it takes, send your resume and details to for all opportunities.

    Mary, our Blessed Mother is a model for the staff, students, parents and parishioners at Our Lady of Sorrows for her unwavering spirit of being willing to be the handmaid of the Lord. Thus our willingness to serve is expressed in these word:

    Our Lady of Sorrows School says “YES”. An affirmative “YES” to be willing to serve,
    ready to sacrifice and open to challenge so as to meet the needs of everyone in the community.