Please RETURN Overdue Library Books!

This is a friendly reminder...IF you have received an Overdue Library Book notice today... PLEASE…
OLS OfficeJune 4, 2018
Thank you for the Book Donations!

Just a little say THANK-YOU to the Pirillo Family (Chiara Gr 7) for the…
OLS OfficeMay 28, 2018
Happy Mother’s Day!

Wishing everyone a Happy Mother's Day this Sunday, May 13th!
OLS OfficeMay 11, 2018
New Library Books for June 2018

Take a SNEEK PEEK in our Library Photo Gallery… at the 40 colorful NEW BOOKS…
OLS OfficeMay 7, 2018
Thank you for the Book Donations!!

Just a little say THANK-YOU to the Agosti Family (Massimo Gr 3 & Mia…
OLS OfficeMay 4, 2018
Confirmation update

Congratulations to all the OLS Candidates, who received the sacrament on Wednesday, April 25th. It…
ACApril 27, 2018