Giving THANKS for the Book Donations!

Sending out a BIG THANK YOU to the Buric Family (Adam Gr. 5) for the…
OLS OfficeOctober 6, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving!

May the Blessings of this Thanksgiving fill your heart and home always...with prayers for good…
OLS OfficeOctober 6, 2017
OLS Book Fair Success!

Our 2017 OLS School Book Fair was a HUGE SUCCESS once again this year!! Thanks…
OLS OfficeOctober 4, 2017
Thanks for the Book Donations!

Sending out a THANK YOU to Mrs. MacDonald (OLS Teacher Assistant) for the dandy books…
OLS OfficeSeptember 18, 2017
OLS Book Fair Coming Soon!

This year's OLS Scholastic Book Fair theme is the "WILD WEST...SADDLE UP AND READ!" We…
OLS OfficeSeptember 15, 2017
Thank you for the Book Donations!
Sending out a Thank you to the Delli Santi Family (Dante Gr. 6 & Chiara…
OLS OfficeSeptember 11, 2017
Pope Francis’s TED talk

Good evening, or, good morning, I am not sure what time it is there. Regardless…
ACSeptember 7, 2017
WOW!! Did you know…

There were over 400 books catalogued for our library this past 2016-2017 school year!! We are fortunate…
ACSeptember 5, 2017