WRITING Gr 1 WRITING Writing is a very difficult activity at the grade one level. * The children must…Susan RadfordSeptember 5, 2017
GETTING USED TO EACH OTHER Gr 1 GETTING USED TO EACH OTHER The children are encouraged and expected to be respectful and friendly towards one another. *…Susan RadfordSeptember 5, 2017
GOOD WORK HABITS Gr 1 GOOD WORK HABITS We encourage the children to listen carefully to the directions, work silently, stay in their…Susan RadfordSeptember 5, 2017
SNEEK PEEK Library SNEEK PEEK Take a SNEEK PEEK in our Photo Gallery at the 50 wonderful NEW LIBRARY BOOKS catalogued for you to check out soon!ACMay 31, 2017
BOWLING Library BOWLING To THANK our Library monitors who helped shelve books during the year...we are going BOWLING today at…ACApril 24, 2017
Grade 5 & 6 Library Monitors Library Grade 5 & 6 Library Monitors A BIG THANK YOU to our Grade 5 & 6 Library Monitors who help us shelve books every…ACApril 15, 2017
Top 10 Books this year Library Top 10 Books this year 1. Smile (by Raina Telgemeier) 2. Guinness World Records, 2006 3. Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl (by…ACJanuary 9, 2017